Monday, May 12, 2014

Under Water?

Where  am I? I found myself lost in thought as I gazed into a mirror with an armful of cellophane when suddenly, I found myself captured by a parallel universe.

 I might be in a trance for all I know. Or is this some sort of dream? You know the sensation of falling asleep in front of the television when suddenly you are sucked up into the screen and become part of the program.

 There are many shades of blue and shards of white waves and I feel as though I am floating downwards.
 Pattern are dancing past my eyes. I must be quite far underneath the water. But strangely....
 Even with these strange illusions......
 I realize that I am still breathing!
How strange, this very special place. How strange!
 Hmmmm....I wonder what happened to my friend, Gunilla. She really must see this. I must find her.
 Oh my.....I seem to be floating upwards, now. Interestingly enough, the patterns around me never cease to change. Things are becoming quite light. Like feathers in a breeze.
I think I am emerging from some sort of trance. Gunilla are you there? 

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